Page 27 - MBRF PR REPORT - JUNE 2024
P. 27
MBRF fosters learn ing of Arabic lan guage in pupils
The ini ti at ive received a remark able response from both stu dents and teach -
ers, who expressed their deep grat it ude for receiv ing this unique edu ca tional
Gulf Today · 25 Jun 2024 · Staff Reporter
Themo hammed bin rashid al mak tou m know ledge Found a tion (MBRF) dis trib uted ‘Smart
Read ing Lib rary’ bags to schools across the UAE in line with the ‘Bil Arabi’ ini ti at ive.
The ini ti at ive comes in align ment with the MBRF’S con tinu ous e orts to sup port the edu ca -
tional sec tor and insti tu tions by ensur ing the avail ab il ity of Arabic lan guage books and chil -
dren’s stor ies to encour age a read ing and learn ing cul ture among vari ous seg ments of soci ety.
Fur ther more, it sig ni es the MBRF’S com mit ment to motiv at ing both Arab and non arab stu -
dents to learn the Arabic lan guage.
The bags were dis trib uted at Hart land Inter na tional School Dubai and the Dubai Eng lish
Speak ing School & Col lege (DESSC). In the next phase, it will be expan ded to more schools.
The ini ti at ive is a test a ment to the MBRF’S endeav our to sup port and empower chil dren to
build a beter future for them selves and their com munity by o er ing a wider range of know -
ledge resources and valu able con tent. The Smart Read ing Lib rary bags con tained a wide array
of unique edu ca tional books, col or ful story books in Arabic, paint ings, edu ca tional cards, and
a smart pen that reads and teaches chil dren the accur ate pro nun ci ation of words, to encour -
age Arabic cur ricula in schools.
These mater i als hold a pivotal role in devel op ing advanced learn ing skills among chil dren and
motiv at ing them to read innov at ively as per their age, ulti mately open ing vast aven ues of