P. 55

Written by:
               Tamara Wright
               2 days ago

               From new Salik gates to paid parking in Dubai Mall…

               Just one month into the new year and Dubai has already seen some key transport
               updates. The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) is rolling in some noteworthy
               changes aimed at enhancing traffic management and ensuring a seamless

               transportation system for residents and commuters.

                        SEE ALSO: 3 new rules introduced in the UAE in 2024 to know about

               Here are 4 major traffic updates coming to Dubai this year:

               Increased minimum top-up amount for Nol cards

               Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced a new minimum top-up
               amount for Nol cards. As of January 15, 2024, commuters must now top-up their Nol

               cards with a minimum of Dhs20, increased from Dhs5. Commuters should also have a
               minimum of Dhs15 on their Nol card (previously Dhs7.50) when using the metro to
               cover a round trip. One-way fares range from Dhs3 to Dhs15 depending on area
               zones and class.

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