Page 2 - Fins Magazine: Fins Magazine Issue #4
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                                                        We are so excited to have made it a year with Fins.  In this                 T                                       C
                                                        issue we have so much for you to fin around in!!!                            Table of ConTenTs
                                                      @THEME: APEX PREDATORS
                                                        Navigate our pages and see sharks, dinosaurs ands mers in predator mode.
                                                      @MERFOLK FEATURE:  CHÈ MONIQUE
                                                        Chè Monique from Society of Fat Mermaids , Merfolk for Black Lives and a
                                                        simply inspirational woman tells us about SOFM, Merfolks for Black Lives and
                                                        being your best self.
                                                      @ FEATURE: DEEP BLUE SHARK
                                                        Mermaid Deepblue shares her story of modeling with sharks. It includes some
                                                        amazing underwater photography from Made in Water!
                                                      @POD LIFE (US): FAMILY IN FINS
         Editor to Mermaid                              Mermaid Whimzsea shares creating a mer-pod with The Illinios Merpod in
                                                        her article, Family in Fins.

                              A Real Life Tail        @POD LIFE (INTL):  THE LIGURIAN POD
                                                        The Ligurian Pod tells how their tale began, ALL the way from Italy.
         Coming in our next issue, a fun and          @NEW COLUMN: MINDFULNESS FOR MERMAIDS
         refreshing look at becoming a mermaid.         Our very own Ms. Faelyn, mermaid, therpaist and Fins Merbassador is sharing
         Watch as our very own editor learns            her knowledge in this new and much needed content.  Different mental health
         and experiences the world of tails, fins,      topics from a mer-spective.
         headpieces, flukes and everything else       @FEATURE:]  FINL ETS COVE\
         mer-related.  All while trying not to          A place to showcase your little mer in Finlets Cove. You can't help but love this
         become overwhelmed!                            new addition.

         Letter from the Editor

          It goes without saying, our world is a different one from   The  ensuing weeks, I became so consumed  with life
          a year ago.                                    there  was no  room  for  Fins and no  mermaid photo
                                                         shoots.  I missed it more than I ever had.  The magic that
          People  are  experiencing  the  loss of  loved ones,  loss   had  created  the  bridge  for  my  mom  and  I  during  an
          of job, quarantine, injustice, health  issues,  political   impossible time was absent.  I missed the escape, the
          differences and more.  The impact Covid has had on   beauty, the individualism and most of all the love.
          the social environment is the gravy on top of all of it.
                                                         The need to recapture the magic and zen has driven
          No one is immune from the devastation.  It hits from 360    my decision to become a mermaid.  A real life mermaid
          and finding a way to deal is almost impossible.  from the tip of my tail to the top of my crown!
          Three  days before  the  last issue,  my mother  passed   Our new series, Editor to Mermaid,  will share the things
          after a long battle with lung disease. In that last month,   I  learn,  do  and  see.    I  hope  that  everyone  can  find
          I would talk about Fins and share the images and stories   something relatable at some point in the series, even if it
          from you. She was surprised that this world even existed.   to laugh at the high level of mer-education I need.

          Our conversations were  a sweet escape for  both  of   Until the next issue, stay safe and be mermazing!
          us.  In the process of losing each other other, we found
          a way to  deal with the  impossible. In their  uniquely   ~Pat
          magical way, mermaids  gave us a bridge to deal with
          the present by reminsicing of days gone by.

                  COVER MODEL:       CHÈ MONIQUE
                  C O VER M  O D EL:       CH È  MON I Q U E
        FINS|2    P H O T O GR AP HER:   Y O UR R O UGE P H O T O GR AP HY
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