Page 28 - Fins Magazine: Fins Magazine Issue #4
P. 28

_                                  Me rm a i d                                 M ag ic

          ` `
                                               public pool which was a halfway point  on  their  tails,”  I   explained.
                                               for most of us. It was well equipped  “They’re      called      ‘selkies.’”
                                               for swimming with hefty silicone tails
                                               and monofins, as it supplied a deep  She couldn’t seem to reason out of that.
                                               pool which was separate from where  I continued  talking  to  the  other
                                               most of the swimmers congregated.  children and just a few minutes later,
                                               As was  often the  case,  there  was  a  another naysayer  intruded  insisting,
                                               birthday party taking place at this time.  “You’re  not  a real mermaid!”

                                               I carried my  silicone  tail in both  This time, before I could respond,
 ARTICLE:  Mermaid Magic by Mermaid Lotus      arms, set  it down in the  water, and  the first skeptical child rushed to my
                                               shimmied awkwardly into it. During  defense,  proclaiming, “Yes,  she  is!”
                                               this time, children had already begun
                                               to flock over to our pod.  Because of  “But I saw her put on her tail,” he said.
                                               the depth of the waters, they had to
                                               remain on the  steps, and a few  had  “Some  mermaids have  to put
                                               glimpsed  us  slipping into our tails.  on  their  tails,”  she  replied.
                   I think it’s safe to say that all  While most  were  excitedly  asking
                   children want to believe in  questions  about life  underwater,  I smiled and  nodded. She was by
         ]magic. Unfortunately, not  one child quickly  began protesting.           my  side  until  we  had to  leave.  That
         all children are encouraged to believe                                     moment has stuck with me, as I knew
         in magic throughout their formative  “She’s not real,” she told the others,  that child needed to believe in magic
         years. Instead, some are discouraged  wiping the smiles off their faces in an  a little  while  longer, and because
         from  exploring  new  unseen worlds.  instant.                             of her encounter  with  an amateur
         It can be disheartening as a mermaid                                       mermaid, she was able to..  •w
         performer to  meet  with  a group of  I gasped and quickly looked down at
         excited  children eager to catch a  myself, asking, “I’m not!?”
         glimpse  of a real life  mermaid only
         to have the spirits of the entire party  The child laughed and elaborated, “I
         dampened by one skeptic child whose  mean you’re real, but mermaids aren’t
         belief was quashed  all too soon.     real!”

         Yet,  I’ve come to understand that  “But I’m a mermaid and I’m real,” I
         these  young skeptics  are among  posed.
         the most desperate to believe that
         magic still  exists. It was during  one  “If you’re a real mermaid, then how
         meet-up  with my local Texas pod  come I saw you put on your tail,” she
         that  I  first  realized  this  to  be  true.  demanded.

         We  had agreed  to meet  at  a large  “Some  mermaids have  to put

                       MERMAID LOTUS             Mermaid  Lotus  is  an  aquatic  entertainer  currently  attending  college  to  become  an  interpreter  for  the
                                                 Deaf.  She even specializes in entertaining entertaining Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and adults!
                               @mermaidlotus     As with most mermaids, my inspiration began at a young age and that affection for these mysteri-
        FINS|28             FB:   mermaidlotus   ous creatures only grew over the years. I now hope to share that same magic with the next generation!
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