Page 2 - Peritus Marketing Samples
P. 2
Date(s) Communication Channel Quantity Notes
Every Thursday Big Deals Social Media LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter
(ongoing) post promoting Member
First Tuesday New member Email Introduce discounts
Welcome Introduction
1 of the Month All Programs Social Media LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter
(ongoing) content – all programs (use
as fits your promo calendar)
2/13/17 Employee Email 180K Promotes 6 providers whose
Eligible discount can also be used by
Programs employees of members
2/28 TrueCar Email 80k Begin March promotion
period “Best time of Year”
3/7/17 Employee Direct Mail 26,095 Promotes 6 providers whose
Eligible discount can also be used by
Programs employees of members
3/7/17 Discount Promotional Promoted the Hotel Savings
Awareness Email Program as a whole
3/17/17 TrueCar Promotional 80K March promotion period
Email “Best time of Year” (2 0f 3)
3/21/17 TrueCar Promotional 80k March promotion period
Email “Best time of Year” (3 0f 3)
April-May Entertainment Social Media Rental Cars, theme parks,
& Vacation desitnations (weekly/as
4/1/17 to Discount New Member 5K Promoted the Hotel Savings
4/30/17 Promotion Kit Program as a whole
4/24/17 Discount Email 180K Promoting Hotel & Lodging
Promotion discount
May Discount Email Promoting Hotel Savings
Promotion Program as a whole
May TrueCar Email 2x Memorial Day Sales
June Hotel Savings – Promoting the Hotel Savings
Program homepage Program as a whole
June-August Office Depot Email and Back to school discounts
Bi-monthly Social
9/7/19 eInsurance Hompage Slider Announce Comprehensive
Benefits Insurance program/launch
insurance season
Sept-December Insurance website eNews articles (informative)
October Insurance Email Health Care Solutions
October- Entertainment Emails Theme Park tickets, Rental
December & Vacation Cars, Shows & Events
Late October Insurance Email Webinar Registration (2-step
11/2017 Insurance Webinar Business, Personal & Health
December- All programs Email Conference Outreach
January promoting attendance
December Rental Cars & Email Offering attendees special
entertainment rates on rental cars and
entertainment during
conference stay
December Employee Email TBD Promotes 6 providers whose
Eligible discount can also be used by
Programs employees of members