Page 26 - EDGE Workplace Overview - Detail
P. 26
The Impact you can expect
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Optimize Communication Strengthen Culture
Engaged employees become the most powerful
Engaged employees can communicate from voices within your organization and help set the
anywhere@anytime. Work happens everywhere tone for your workforce. Social sharing gives key
and you need the tools to connect team influencers the opportunity to reinforce
members with each other and with their leaders positivity and productivity.
-- on-the-go and from many locations.
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Align Goals & Objectives Accelerate Change
Engaged employees believe in the mission, Engaged employees know their feedback
vision, and values of your organization. They makes a difference. Use employee
also stay with your company longer. Make suggestions and vision sharing to form
sure your team can easily access mission and adopt new strategies, reinforce
critical information as they make daily existing goals and modify your
decisions on behalf of your organization. engagement strategies.