Page 6 - Perks Marketplace Programs
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Dental &
• Up to 30% off monthly
subscription rates As rising health care costs result in higher deductibles,
premiums and out-of-pocket costs, many companies and
• Up to 60% on most employees are looking for ways to lower their health care
dental procedures expenses. Our partnership with Careington International
including routine exams, helps employees save money on health expenses, with
unlimited cleanings, and pre-negotiated discounts on dental and vision care.
Members may visit any participating dentist on the plan
major work. and change providers at any time.
• Up to 20% savings on Careington International’s health and wellness solutions
orthodontics including are designed to complement traditional health insurance
braces and retainers for and provide significant savings for under-insured or
children and adults. uninsured individuals. Careington combines its flagship
non-insurance discount plans with insurance plans
• Up to 20% reduction on administered through its affiliate, Careington Benefit
specialist's normal fees. Solutions, to create cost-effective solutions that improve
Specialties include: Endodontics, Oral the affordability and accessibility of quality health care.
Surgery, Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, *Discounts not available in VT or WA.
Periodontics, and Prosthodontics where
available Cosmetic dentistry such as
bonding and veneers also included.