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the ability for milk to be shipped out in refrigerat- for wine here in North Haven. Perhaps North Hav-
ed rail cars. But few people remember that North en could have been the east coast’s Napa Valley!
Haven was also home to several horse farms. Sally As you can see, there is still a lot that is not known
Stephens Brockett recently shared her experiences about farming in early North Haven - if you have
growing up with horses on her parents’ Tamarack stories, photos, or artifacts that can contribute to
Farm. Tamarack Farm was located on Mt. Carm- a more complete picture of North Haven’s past,
el Avenue at the “foot” of the Sleeping Giant. This please visit the society and share with us what you
horse farm boarded and bred horses, and provided know!
riding lessons. Sally competed in many equestrian
events riding English side saddle, and holds ribbons
for her skills. The Bridgeport Post in 1962 noted The North Haven Historical Society is open on
that her sister Peggy represented the family’s stables Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2 - 5 pm,
at the Eastern States Exposition. When Sally and her or by appointment (203-239-7722) - come on
sister were growing up they would ride their horses down soon!
across the foot of Sleeping Giant, sometimes as far
as Cheshire. They would also ride on trails through Thanks to Judith Berman, Sally Brockett, and
what is now the athletic fields of Quinnipiac Univer- Jane Iannone for their inspiration and informa-
sity. What a great way to spend one’s childhood! tion!
Vineyards Here? AT HAMDEN HALL!
Have you ever driven down Pool Road and noticed For Ages PreSchool - Grade 12
one area that has never been developed? Some of
my historical society friends believe that the acre- June 10 - August 2
age may have been used to grow grapes for wine Academics ∙ Camp Hornet ∙ Sports ∙
production. A little research led me to a family that
still produces wine in California. Property owner Early Childhood Discovery Program
records and an obituary indicate that the founder of We offer a wide range of summer programs for students of all
Buonocore Distributing, a company that produces, ages - from a traditional camp to enriching learning opportunities
brokers, and distributes wine, was somehow asso- and for-credit courses that foster the Hamden Hall Experience.
ciated with North Haven after coming to the US from Online registration at or visit our Summer
Programs Open House on Sunday, April 28, from 1-3 p.m. at the
Italy. Several parcels of land along Maple Avenue Beckerman Athletic Center, 225 Skiff Street, Hamden.
were once owned (or still owned) by this family, and
these parcels back up to, or include, the undeveloped
land on Pool Road. Although the details are vague,
they do hint at an attempt, perhaps, to grow grapes 11