Page 80 - Issue 43
P. 80
from Pastor David
Ask Him
t turns out we really were abandoned me.” believe with a little mustard seed
born to do great things. Note: God’s promise is to never amount that we have a Father who
We were created to make abandon us. Never. loves us with everything He is. This
So who is The Toad in the road
Ia difference, to change the (Who is the show stopper)? You got decision changes the deepest
reaches of our core and we begin to
world even though we may it. It is us. He does not abandon see glimpses through His eyes of who
never realize it this side of us. We step away from Him. Check we were destine to be.
heaven. yourself and you will fi nd Him Do you feel you are exactly where
standing right there patiently and you are supposed to be? Are you
Disclaimer: lovingly waiting on you to rejoin Him. confi dant you are living the life you
Question everything written here. So why doesn’t this plan come were wired to be living? Do you
God has given me the unique leeway together sooner? We have a little have such an abundance of joy that
to write or say things for you to training to do before this purpose the desire of your heart is to give it
ponder. Please go to Him for answers. plan comes to fruition. These trials away?
He is waiting to hear from you. and seasons are meant to purify us in If not, take a minute and talk with
It is written that God knew you just the way we put ore into a foundry Him. Another of His promises is that
before you were in your mother’s and bring out the pure metal. That if you come close to Him, He will
womb. metal goes back into the crucible come close to you. He has already
again to add other ingredients to said Yes to you. He gave His son so
The pondering: Just as He spoke make it stronger, more fl exible or even that you might live.
the universe into existence, He spoke resistant to corrosion or the elements. Disregard the doubt you just
you into life. Before you were in your The process, although sometimes heard from within. Find a place and
mother’s womb, your DNA, your painful, is to make us better than we time where it is quiet and without
“Specs” were designed and then are on our own. distraction. Ask Him into your life. It is
fabricated for a purpose and reason. never too late nor is it too early. This
Think on it. He created you with a Here it comes….. Have you said was set into motion a long time ago.
purpose and with this also gave you or heard someone say they have So you do this thing. You
a potential destiny complete with a lost their Mojo… Are you with me? purposefully ask Him to show you
territory. Now don’t get all Theological on me who you are. Then what? You wait.
I say “potential destiny” because here. We are pondering the power Remember, most of the time, He is
He also gave us “Free Will”. It is our and greatness of God. That trumps very subtle like a whisper. You have
choice how we live our lives. We can everything else including luck or to want it my friend. He sure does.
choose a way based on our limited magic. Our life story is the awakening.
knowledge and experience OR . . . we If we lose our God-given purpose Only then comes the quest.
can simply ask Him what He has in and direction would it not seem as if
mind for us, listen to His voice as we we had lost our way and would not Ponder that….
walk with Him and live the adventure everything seem meaningless? Try This ole world needs hope. He
of a lifetime. taking a beautiful shinny Vette out on wants to work with you to make that
Have you ever been through a muddy logging road and see how happen.
a time when you were plodding that works out. Keep them cards and letters
along according to your plan and God loves us more than we can coming.
suddenly were standing in utter fathom and this is where faith comes
carnage and destruction thinking, in. We do not have to understand
“That didn’t go so well”? Or have you everything. We don’t need to know “God loves you so much He cannot
had the thought, “I feel as if God has all the specifi cs. We just have to keep His eyes off of you.”
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