Page 73 - Issue 35
P. 73
The Skull Rod has a blown 283 that what we have laying around. We’re
was scavenged from a wrecked ’68 just the more custom end of the
Chevelle that only had 30K miles rat rod community. And it’s all
on it. Frankenstein was the second about family. One of Jon’s brothers
car built and has a mild 305 Chevy, chases down parts, and his cousin
while Purgatory, car number three, took these photos. It also gives us
is powered by a 327. Their latest something to do with our fi ve-year-
creation, Cyclops, was supposed to old son, Brodix.”
feature big block Chevy power. Can you imagine being a kid and
But one day, Jon spied a 1953 coming home to these cars every
276 Chrysler Hemi on Craigslist: day? Little Brodix won the parent
Amy: “Oooooooooo!” lottery.
Jon: “It’s $500.” The cars of Reaper’s Rejects not
Amy: “Call him!” only get lots of love at car shows,
Because Hemi. but they caught the eye of indie
The bodies are all steel. They horror actor and director Johnny
don’t own any fancy tools. They Daggers, who will be featuring the
do have a compressor, a chop saw, cars in an upcoming movie project
some tin snips, and a few hammers. called “Devils Speak Easy”.
They utilize one bay of their two- There is an innate charm to
car car garage. Their tube bender these cars that makes you want
can either be the yoke of their tree to not only drive them, but shrink
or the frame rails of another car. them down to 1/24 scale and put
Are these cars rat rods? Amy them on your shelf. Or better yet,
makes a great case: “It fi ts all the shrink them down further to Hot
defi nitions of a rat rod – we are the Wheels size, bust out the orange
track, and be eight years old all ack, and be eight years old all
track, and be eight years old all
blue collar builds. We have about tr
blue collar builds. We have about
over again.
$2,000 in each car. We build with
$2,000 in each car. We build with over again.ver again.
68x73 ReapersRejects_T.indd 73 12/23/15 6:55 AM