Page 80 - Issue 35
P. 80

from Pastor David

                      here was a shift in the    are dysfunctional and can be a real   These relationships are too precious
                      entire Rat Rod scene       mess sometimes but knowing there   to throw away.  Relationships are gold
                                                 were other folks buried in their shops
                                                                                   and are the rarest of all things we will
                      a year or so ago that      creating rusty cars and trucks made it a   encounter.
                tchanged everything.             sweet thing to behold.  Like family, we   And by the way, yes I am talking
                                                 don't agree on everything but do we   about our Rat Rod family but take a
                                                 really have to?  There are some times   look around you.  Our country, our
                   Let me just tell you how it unfolded   when it is hard to "like" some of the   world needs this unity.  It can start with
                for me.  For those of you who don't   members of this family but I never stop   you.  Help someone stranded.  Listen
                know me, I take my old 41 Chev Fishing   loving them.              to someone tell you their pains.  Pray
                Truck out on the road to car shows,   Pause: Some of you just left a   for people.  Do you think these folks
                tractor pulls, church parking lots and so   moment thinking about your immedi-  just happened upon you?  To me, there
                on to talk with people.  I hand out The   ate family.  I have one of those too but   is no such thing as coincidence.   You
                Good News and offer to introduce folks   for now, we are going to stay with our   were built to be an ambassador.
                to my best friend.               rusty one.                          I have seen it before when people
                   Three years ago, I happened upon   Speaking of my family, one of my   go from being a light among people to
                a little show in Mahtowa, MN, Rat Rod   favorite people was my great aunt   having so much hate and frustration
                Rendezvous.  There I met Bryan Dagel   Mabel. Mabel liked to have a sip of Old   in them they end up like some Gollum
                and then Steve Thaemert.  Have you   Crow now and then.  Ok, more than   in a cave.  Don’t be that person.  Be
                ever had one of those days where you   a sip. She ran her 50 Ford Shoebox   the light even when you have to fi ght
                just know life will never be the same   through a brick factory one night,   yourself for it.
                again?  Well, for me, that was one of   totally destroying the car, yet walked   “Thoughts like, ‘I could do a much
                those days.                      away cussing like a sailor.  My folks   better job,’ or ‘he/she is an idiot,’ are
                   A short time passed and together   always tried to keep me away from her   only going to plant seeds of resent-
                we became more like brothers than   because she might be a bad infl uence.    ment, pride, and rebellion in your heart
                friends. During this same period the   Well, you know how that turned out.    and the situation will continue to get
                magazine became a place for people   Crazy yes, but let me tell you, that   worse." K.V.
                to see fellow builder’s creations, share   woman loved me and I loved her.  She   All of you know the truth about this
                their passion and keep up with the   was my favorite.              already without having to think on it.
                unfolding scene.  People all over the   When I was in the military, we were   Which is better?  Looking for the gold
                world began to realize they were not   all brothers and sisters.  I might not   in each other or being a self-appointed
                alone and were fi nally free to express   have liked the person sitting next to me   judge of what is or isn’t.   That is a no
                their passion without being judged.   but I can promise you, I would have and   brainer.  It is the gold every time.
                Instead of being asked, “What color are   still will fi ght to the death for them.    We have an incredible opportunity
                you going to paint it?” or “When are   Jesus told us to love Him.    to make a great thing.
                you going to fi nish it?” it was more like,   He told us to love each other like we   This world is in turmoil and is in
                “Is this your car?  It’s cool.”  It was sim-  love ourselves.      desperate need of a united people.  If it
                ple.  We were just happy we had found   His desire is for us to love each   is the heart of God to have His children
                other people like us to talk to that did   other like He loves us.    unite and love each other then it is obvi-
                not look at us like we were “some sort   This is why I love introducing people   ous what the other side of that coin is.
                of a weird sandwich.”            to Him.  Once you know Him, you begin
                   The magazine opened us up to   to understand this last part about lov-  Keep them cards and letters coming.
                social media, told us about upcoming   ing others like He loves us.  That is large
                car shows and brought us all together.    people and I full well know it will take
                What we are now calling a family was   an eternity for me to even get close to   “God loves you so much He cannot
                born.  Just like any family, we were and   fathoming the vastness of it all.    keep His eyes off of you.”


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