Page 59 - Issue 49
P. 59
the windows once were... removed side to side to narrow
removed side to side to narrow
The condition was more the overall width. These two
than rough and most would surgeries put the Willys roughly
have declined immediately. the same dimensions as an
That would have been a great A-model Ford.
option, but not one I had. The top was chopped 6”
First, this was my nephew and at fi rst and later another 1 ⁄2”
this would be his fi rst hotrod taken out to give it that sinister
ever. Second, I was stone look. The rounded top was cut
broke and needed the money off and a fl at roof replaced it.
and that always trumps the Six inches was removed from
fi rst place. In all of this I have the bottom all the way around
learned one very important to shorten the stance even
lesson. With enough surgery, further. It was channeled over
the ugliest girl ever can become the frame which was built from
the prom queen which is always scratch. An L kickup frame in
better than the trailer queen! the rear allowed room for a
The multiple surgeries this backseat. Not much of one,
Jeep went through were as however. The motor is a mid
follows: 30” removed from 80’s 350 with a mid 70’s 350
the center end to the end to tranny. Seats are curtacy of Iron
shorten the side profi le and 10” Ace Hotrod Seats. All the other
58x62 TommysToolbox.indd 59 4/23/18 10:40 AM