Page 70 - Issue 47
P. 70
to take a few hours to wind down SEMA prep stresses; by providing University of Minnesota (for Business
and give you guys some authentic replacements to parts I have broken & Psychology stuff), “growing up”
content. This is therapeutic for me in the process of building/driving came paired with normal adult
in the sense that I can express my my rig. The logos in the photo responsibilities and stressors like
feelings on paper while helping below are the least I can do to show paying the bills, relationships, work
others see that life ain’t always the appreciation of sharing some and other obligations. Well, those
roses & sunshine, even if it appears of the stresses with me. While this are all normal and can be planned
to be through social media’s skewed SEMA prep stressor is positive in for. What can’t be planned for are
presences. Welderup, Kindigit and nature, there are more often-times- sudden life stressors that change
all of the other big names also go than-not negative stressors that the way you live. One of the larger
through these feelings of excessive need to be overcome. obstacles I overcame during college
stress- although it may not seem This is where I will dive more into was Carpal Tunnel in both of my
like it to the naked eye. some deeper personal issues that wrists. This was hugely detrimental.
In an effort to make the best I have faced, in particular over the So much so that I had to utilize
of my stressful situation, I have last 5 years, which is really when I disability resources because I
CHOSEN to channel that stress started to take an advanced interest couldn’t write or type for longer
towards my writing. Luckily I have in rat rods and building things. As than 5 minutes without nagging
been able to alleviate some stress a child growing up I was never one pain. The stress of not being able
by taking some time off of my of the “popular kids” or “well-off to use your hands is astonishing;
normal work to focus on SEMA kids”, I got bullied and had no real Trying to plan your day so that you
preperations. This is in part thanks direction in life until I got to college can spread out your homework into
to many of my sponsors who have and was able to grow up and 5 minute segments was a constant
stepped up and helped with the develop as an adult. While at the stress. I’m sure a few of you fellow
rat-rodders are familiar.
The summer after my
sophomore year I fi nally had my
right hand operated on. Less than
7 days later I was in the garage
building my c10. It hurt, but the pain
was forgotten because the passion
meant more to me than the pain. I
lost myself in that truck. The second
wrist came the next summer. Since
then I have been living much more
appreciative of the almost-normal
use of my hands and the signifi cant
decline in painful days.
I believe part of the reason that
I am better now is because of the
therapeutic powers of working
with my passion. Half of the battle
of physical issues is emotional in
nature. Being able to forget about
your disability for more than a
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