Page 24 - Issue 37
P. 24
Then minis got really wild, convertible tops, fully took pride in doing their own work. Many different
articulating suspensions, and air bagged frames. makes and bodies were blended together. Working
They made up for fast, with loud. For sexy, with wild. class stuff that was spawned from low budgets and
As Editor Steve noted in issue #36, the Volkswagen creative ingenuity. The California culture folded in the
guys were doing the same thing. Mini shows were lowrider tech of hydraulics and active air suspension
fun too—lots of weird competitions, chug offs, and that is common now. There is nothing hotter than
club face offs….old guys don’t get those. seeing a well engineered car lay frame, yet also able to
raise up over a monster speed bump too!
A lot of the elements in the current rat rod scene (Of course hot rods did this stuff early on, but
took place in minis in the 80s and 90s. The owners only on the fringe.) To this day I get a chuckle out
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