Page 80 - Issue 50
P. 80

from Pastor David

                  What If He Really Meant It?

                   “Root your peace in His character   It comes from who you are.   God   keep sober in spirit, fi x your hope
                    instead of your circumstances.”   wired you with this ability to go on   completely on the grace to be brought
                                     Kris Vallotton  in the face of all odds.  Are you still   to you. . .”We have a Father that wants
                                                   doubting?                        to give us more than we ask or can think.
                 Disclaimer:                         All of us have watched a motor    We are so desperate to understand

                                                   crank up and run after it has sat for   and come up with a solution to why
                     uestion everything written here.     years or even decades on the ground.    something has happened or might
                     God has given me the unique   “Engines want to run.”  We made   happen that we run ahead and create
                 Q leeway to write or say things for   engines want to run because God made   a course of action on our own.  When
                 you to ponder.   Please go to Him for   us to believe we can do anything.  He   we do this we stop listening for His
                 answers.  He is waiting to hear from you.     designed us that way.  We are not God   answer.   If there is a choice to whose
                    This is our 50th issue of Rat Rod   but He did make us in His image.    opinion I should choose, God’s or mine,
                 Magazine.  Who would have thought   I am blessed to have one of my   I seriously need to choose His opinion.
                 an idea our Editor Steve Theamert Jr.   best friends as a Doctor.  He is a   “What ifs” are always in an
                 had years ago would turn into such   strong believer and we have traveled   undetermined self-made future.   If we
                 a diverse family of people behind   to China on mission together in the   spend any time at all worrying about
                 one cause or dream.  This is a huge   past.  Anyhowsoever, during one   the future, we are throwing away our
                 accomplishment in that it has involved   visit while he was putting me back   precious time in the present.
                 all of us.  By “Us”, I mean all of you who   together again, he leaned over and   Look at what is going on in your
                 have skinned your knuckles building a   said, “You know that verse where   life right now and remember that last
                 rusty work of goodness.           Jesus says that He will provide for us?    incident you worried about that never
                    What drove you on when you were   What if He really meant it?”    actually happened.
                 up close and personal with the “What   What is faith but trusting that   Make a deliberate choice to
                 Ifs” meant to stop you?  Why didn’t   God will give us what we need when   trust in your Father who loves you
                 you back down in the face of countless   we need it.               more than you will ever imagine. Let
                 setbacks and constant bits of advice   Grace for example.  Today’s grace is   your “confi dence become rooted
                 from the Naysayers who would have   for today’s problems.   Tomorrows grace   in His character instead of your
                 had you break and run from such   isn’t here yet.  Months back, this article   circumstances.” KV
                 nonsense?                         pondered the thought that God goes   Remind yourself of what He has
                    Our story is about trust.  If we began   ahead in time, sees our plight and comes   already done for you and know that
                 a project and took all the “What Ifs” and   back to prepare us for what is to come.     He will do it again and again even in
                 put them fi rst would we, could we, build   Tomorrows grace is for tomorrow.    this instance that seems so impossible.
                 a Rat?  Is there one of you that has gone   “What we don’t understand, we tend   This ole world needs hope.  He wants
                 through that time in the build when you   to fear.”   Batman       to work with you to make that happen.
                 questioned why you started this mess in   There will always be frustration   Keep them cards and letters coming.
                 the fi rst place?   We go on because we   with things we do not understand.  If
                 believe we can.   We can almost see the   we are always ruled by trying to fi gure   “God loves you so much He cannot
                 outcome.  Where in heavens name does   out “why”, we  will forever be torqued   keep His eyes off of you.” D.H.
                 this spark come from?             over something we cannot fi x.       Special thanks to Pastor Kris
                    Ah, you say.  He is fi nally getting to it.      “Prepare your minds for action,   Vallotton,  A.S.E. Certifi ed

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