Page 49 - Issue 30
P. 49
With frame and rear end next you need to mount all
finished, as you will notice of the pieces involved, which
from last issue of rrm, now are spring perches, shocks
roll your axle up to frame and radius rods. the bracket
front. your frame should will bolt to the existing spring
be sitting on blocks at the pad where the springs use to
height of your choice. if run parallel with frame. the
you want it to sit at 6” off two lower holes will be for
the ground set it on 2X8 the radius rods, and the next
blocks. Keep in mind, that hole up will be for spring
it will drop 2” after drive perches. the top hole will be
train is installed. With axle a shock mount hole. if you
in place, measure from watch the video on our web
back to front and side to site, this will all make sense.
side until axle is perfectly the leaf spring can be
in line. once all of these purchased from any spring
measurements are perfect, shop, trailer supply or tsc.
scotch the tires so it will the length of the spring
not roll. a tab will need to will be determined
be welded on to the center of the by the distance
frame to attach the leaf spring between your brackets.
too. next, set your axle back 6 this measurement
degrees. you will need to get changes from axle to
a $10.00 degree finder, and set axle. some axles, like
it on the top of spindles. this 6 chevy for instance,
degrees tilted backwards is called are narrow. late
positive caster. What it does is sixties, dodge axles
the same as the principal of forks are wide. Whatever
on a bicycle or motorcycle. it this dimension is, be
would be hard to ride a bike if the sure to allow for your
forks were straight up and down. shackle length. spring
you need positive caster on bikes perches can be ordered
or cars, to make it handle right. it from most speed shops.
pulls the steering wheel back right With brackets mounted,
after coming out of a curve. it also simply attach the
makes steering easier, by shifting spring perches, then the
weight. it also prevents rollover. shackles, and finally the
When you cram the brakes, the front axle has a tendency to roll forward. the 6 degrees leaf spring. note: these hot rods do not weigh much, so avoid heavy leaf springs, as
backwards will pull plumb in a hard stop. you can see the problem of starting a straight it will ride like a log wagon. two leafs are plenty. a small block chevy motor and trans
axle up and down without pitch on it. there is a point of breakage that was calculated weigh 850 lbs., but some of that is in the mid-section of the rod, so you’re only talking
long before i was born and has worked well enough to be stayed with all of these years. about 500 lbs up front. if you run a 1500 lb leaf spring, it will jar your teeth out. your
enough said on mathematics. entire hot rod will only weigh about 1500 lbs. (Just saying)
48 Rat Rod Magazine issue thirty Rat Rod Magazine 49