Page 75 - Issue 30
P. 75

Artist Spotlight  presented by hardLuck Kings

          Future Leaders   Of The World

                          BY RICK LOXTON                      was recorded at the Old Ranier Brewery in Seattle,            After touring for a year and a half it was back into   those who still dig the grunge sound there is plenty
                   PHOTO BY MARK PESNICHAK                    while Ian was playing in another band. It started out       the studio “to add some new flavor and dimension   of that influence in ‘Can’t Let Go,’ ‘Our Secrets’
                                                              as an acoustic project but as things evolved, I knew        to the record.” More time and touring ensued, to the   and ‘Wherever the Wind Blows.’  Slower songs
                          usic is always changing and evolving.   it was going to be a full band record. Ian came out     point where the band wondered if anything was ever   like ‘Mirror’ and ‘Rain’ still rock, but with more of a
                          But the classic forms always endure.   and started working on the record with me. Then          going to happen with the record. In February of 2014,   groove. ‘Intoxicate’ and ‘Sink or Swim’ open a vein
                          Rock has certainly seen its ups and   the studio and the company I was working with at          Phil was playing with his other band, Machina, while   and pour out raw emotion more so than anything
            M downs in recent years, but as long as           the time let me have free reign… and I abused it,           Ian was running a music venue in New Orleans, where   else on the record.
            there are people willing to put in the time and effort,   and I said, ‘I’m doing a full production now!’”  Phil’s   he had booked (həd) p.e. Ian got to talking with the   Taylor adds, “This is a perfect example of ‘you
            rock will survive. A shining example of this is Future   influences? “I was definitely feeding off the energy   band after the show about how he had this record   never know what’s going to happen in the future.’
            Leaders Of The World, whose album, ‘Reveal’ has   and the inspiration of the ‘90’s grunge scene… Alice        that hadn’t been picked up. The band mentioned that   You work hard at something, and it may not work
            been seven years in the making.                   in Chains, Soundgarden and all that. I just wanted to       they should get in contact with somebody at their   out the first time, but you never know.”
               The band has been around since the early       make a straightforward, genuine rock record, and not        label, Pavement, who wound up loving the record.    The band should be touring throughout the
            2000’s, but this particular record started out as   try to reinvent               the wheel or                  And there’s a lot to love here. The first track, ‘Live   South by the time you read this, so check any of the
            a solo project for lead                           anything like                    that. Just                 Again’ is a great, radio-friendly song with enough of   links below for links to their music and to see when
            singer, Phil Taylor. “It                          sincere rock                      songs.”                   a hook to keep you interested and wanting more. For   they’re coming to your town.

                                                                                                                                                                                Check out the links below to keep up with the latest
                                                                                                                                                                                on White Empress news, tour dates, and merchandise.

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