Page 81 - Issue 30
P. 81

Something to ponder

                                           from Pastor David

             f you got a chance to read last month’s Word you  entrances.  i was through the front door first and
             know that there was a little challenge given to   was met by someone who was obviously the boss
             you readers.  it was all about going out into this   lady.  she was about half my height and probably the
          I ol’ world and leaving a little hope.   With this sort   same weight, arms crossed, and with an expression
          of individual challenge, no one may ever know that  that said, “oh no, they didn’t just roll up in here!”  i
          you did anything at all.  Well… most everyone.    smiled and leaned down to say that we were in town
             this story is about a little thing that happened   for a car show and were looking for some real BBQ.
          on the rat rod tour 2014.  it was Friday evening   ok… i did happen to mention, in my finest southern,
          early and we were all gathered in the hotel lobby  that the majority of the folks with me were from the         said, “Lord bless you lil sister.”  We locked eyes for
          trying to decide where we were going for supper.   north and had never had real BBQ. i then whispered           a moment and i was out the door.  sure enough
          you know how it is, everyone has a plan but             to her asking if she was ok with us dropping            the place looked nicer than when we showed up.
          it is set firmly in jello.  as for me, i already  I just know   in.  at that moment her shoulders relaxed,      there was not a piece of trash or sign that we
          knew where i was going and it involved   people need         she looked me in the eyes and with a               had ever been there.  at least none that i could
          st. Louis BBQ.  specifically, Ferguson                       big ol’ sigh and said, “oh honey, yes.”  it        see with my eyes.
          BBQ as we were already there.  the      each other            was like a veil had lifted and time had             We cranked up and left in a cloud of dust,
          restaurant i found was tdc Ferguson.   and that love         stopped along with all sound.  When                smoke, and what people would later question as
          there were some who were quick to say   always wins          she said yes everything started back up            thunder. yes, i know they were wondering what
          “yes” without much thought and some that                   again only this time a little noisier.               had just happened but folks, you can’t fake smiles
          got very quiet.  all i did was mention to the              i ordered what i wanted, not necessarily             like that.  not only did our herd eat some of the
          group that if anyone needed a little loving and the  from the menu, and then helped a few people get            finest BBQ ever but they gave something back
          calming sound of open headers it was the people   what they wanted.  everyone was laughing and                  that you just can’t buy.
          of Ferguson and we were just the group to bring it.   talking back and forth with each other including            here is the deal.  Who was more blessed,
          While i was pontificating this point someone said   the restaurant staff like the family we are.  i should      them or us?  remember this was right smack in
          “Let’s mount up.  i’m hungry” and we were off.    mention the layout of this place was mostly designed          the middle of Ferguson during the time when the
             now picture 12 to 16 of the finest rat rods    for take-out so there wasn’t much room for all of             “media” were saying all sorts of negative things.
          anywhere pulling up in the parking lot of this little  us to sit down.  Because of the design, most of us       Well, we did not pay much attention to what was
          mom and pop BBQ eatery.  oh yeah, as you know     ended up outside on benches and the curb.  Let me             being said as we did doing what we knew was
          we do nothing quiet and gentle when it comes to   tell you, we got busy on some fine smoked BBQ pork            true and right.
                                                                   products.  i looked up, my faced covered                 myself, i am an old soldier, not so much
                                                                   in BBQ sauce, to see the boss lady walking             schooled in politics or being politically correct.   i
                                                                   around filling peoples glasses with fresh              just know people need each other and that love
                                                                   sweet tea.  oh yeah… it was happening.                 always wins over, entitlements, politics, color, i
                                                                      after i finished, i picked up my stuff and          could go on.  ask tracy and Jerry ripley (of raW
                                                                    walked inside to put it in the trash.   the lady      Bike fame) what happens when they clothe and
                                                                    said, “that’s ok honey, we will pick it up.”   i      feed homeless people of st. Louis.  this is who we
                                                                    chuckled and said, “not with this bunch.”             were meant to be.  Jesus gave us two directions
                                                                       While our folks were heading back to               in living our lives:  Love god and love each other.
                                                                    the parking lot to leave, i went back inside          it really is that easy.
                                                                    to thank the boss lady for supper.   she was            god loves you so much that he cannot keep
                                                                    smiling ear to ear.  as we shook hands i              his eyes off of you.

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