Page 80 - Issue 48
P. 80

from Pastor David

                    grew up like most boys         ON/OFF selector is in the ON position.
                    loving to play with the        In the ON position this device is set
                    cheap walkie-talkies we        internally to the default mode of
                 Iall got for Christmas. We        receive and will remain in the receive   fl oor push-to-talk button and wiping
                                                                                    fl oor push-to-talk button and wiping
                 would wear them out in no         mode until the Soldier physically   out all radio conversations for miles
                 time being the characters of      utilizes the ‘Poosh’-to talk-button by   by transmitting with a “Hot Mic”.
                 Combat or GI Joe defending        fully depressing it to the full down   If we are talking, we are not
                 our country from the              position placing the device fully in   listening
                 communist hordes. I thought       the Transmit Mode.  At this point the   If we are talking, we are not
                 I knew all there was to know      device’s receiver is no longer active or   listening.   If God has brought us one
                 about radios because I had
                 become familiar and had           engaged and will ONLY transmit until   of His hurting children so we can
                 reached a place in that area      the ‘Poosh’-to-Talk button is released   deliver a message from Him but we
                 where I knew everything . .       by the Soldier.”                 are focused on a similar situation that
                 . that was until I signed the       Something so simple and I had   happened in our lives or thinking of
                 dotted line volunteering to       not fully understood it until that   a witty comment to fi re back at the
                 join the greatest country on      hot spring day sitting with my   person…  we are not honoring the
                 earth’s military.                 fellow Trainees.   When the Push-  person speaking.  The person might
                                                   to-Talk button was depressed to   be inches from us pouring out there
                 Disclaimer:                       the full down position the receiver   hearts for the fi rst time to someone
                    Question everything written here.     portion of the radio did not function   and there we are not hearing a word
                 God has given me the unique leeway to   at all.  Are you with me here?  If I   they are saying because we are only
                 write or say things for you to ponder.     was transmitting, I would not hear   thinking about what WE want to say.
                 Please go to Him for answers.  He is   anything but my voice and of course   We are in Transmit mode.
                 waiting to hear from you.         no one else’s no matter how many    Is it any wonder that the Two-Way
                    I remember sitting on the ground   times I tried, no matter how close the   Hand-Held Radio (Walkie Talkie) is
                 under the North Carolina pines listening   intended recipient was to my position   set to default mode of Receive?
                 to an ancient Master Sargent teach us   or in what situation, emergency or   We are to love our neighbors.
                 a class on the Two-Way Hand-Held   otherwise, was happening around   Love the person standing in front of
                 Radio we all called Walkie-Talkie.   In his   me would the radio receive ANY   you, most likely sent to you  by our
                 fi nest Southern Drill Sargent accent he   transmissions.  Another way to say   Father, like you would want to be
                 explained the function, operation and   this is, this two-way hand held radio   loved by listening to every word they
                 maintenance of the device.   Of course   was no longer a two-way but solely a   say.  This person’s life may hang on
                 I was bored to death as I already knew   one-way device.           this encounter.
                 everything there was to know about it   The Master Sargent went on to   Remember my friends, He chose you
                 until it happened.                teach us how Soldiers in the past   to deliver the message.
                    The Master Sargent was going   had really made a mess of things    This ole world needs hope.  He wants
                 through his spiel as he had probably   by forgetting to release the Push-  to work with you to make that happen.
                 done years of countless cycles before   to-talk button after giving a report.    Keep them cards and letters coming.
                 when he got to the part of the radio   People had died because of this
                 nomenclature named the “Push to   simple mistake.  Years later as an
                 Talk Button”.  He said, “This device   Instructor Pilot I experienced Pilots   “God loves you so much He
                 has two modes of operation while the   inadvertently depressing the aircraft’s   cannot keep His eyes off of you.”


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