Page 21 - AAMT-2019 Workbook
P. 21
72 being if he will dig deep into the mine of his soul; and that
73 he is the maker of his character, the molder of his life, and
74 the builder of his destiny, he may unerringly prove, if he will
75 watch, control, and alter his thoughts, tracing their effects
76 upon himself, upon others, and upon his life and
77 circumstances, linking cause and effect by patient practice
78 and investigation, and utilizing his every experience, even to
79 the most trivial, everyday occurrence, as a means of
80 obtaining that knowledge of himself which is
81 Understanding, Wisdom, Power. In this direction, as in no
82 other, is the law absolute that "He that seeketh findeth; and
83 to him that knocketh it shall be opened"; for only by
84 patience, practice, and ceaseless importunity can a man
85 enter the Door of the Temple of Knowledge
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