Page 86 - ITO 2.0 no cover
P. 86

A pre-cursor to this is identifying what market you are going for. This is a key part of the process but which we were unable to fit in this seminar. It is certainly something that is worthy of serious thought.
Once you have identified the specific area where you want to work and where you think you can deliver most value, then you can think about the transformation that you are going offer. What solution are you going to provide to which problem that your niche market experiences and craves a fix for?
When you have worked out your solution then you can work out how to package in a way that is likely to be attractive to your audience.
Þ In what areas do my experiences and passions lie? Þ Who can I help in this area?
Þ How do I want to enjoy spending my time?
Þ What transformation do I offer?
Þ What problem is this a solution to?
Þ How can I craft a compelling offer around this? Þ Is it possible to leverage?
As you think about products and services that you may want to offer in the area that you have decided to work, think about all the different ways you can use the same material, just packaged slightly differently
Þ A hardback book Þ A paperback book Þ A pamphlet
Þ An Ebook
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