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Have you ever watched a speaker with the audience eating out of the palm of their hand and then watched hordes of people follow them to the back of the room and hand over hundreds or even thousands of dollars?
Buying products they have just heard of from someone they have only known for forty minutes! How does this happen?
Have you ever stayed up late the night before, trying to work out what offer to make in your forty minute talk the next day. And when the time comes, you talk for thirty nine minutes and then rush clumsily through your offer in the last minute, apologizing, going over time, feeling awkward and selling .. nothing!
What’s the difference .. are some people just naturally charismatic? Are some people born with the sales gene? Why do some people struggle and others find it so easy?
In this program we are going to show you the key principles of sales success when speaking in any format. – whether live from the platform, on a teleconference or webinar, or on Facebook Live video.
You will understand what you need to do, why you need to do it and how to get started developing your own powerfully persuasive presentations.
You are about to embark on an exciting adventure of sales success! So buckle up and enjoy the ride. We are very grateful to have you with us on this powerful journey.
Paul Martinelli & Roddy Galbraith
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