Page 97 - ITO 2.0 no cover
P. 97

“Anything you see anybody else doing, you can do too!”
Take some time to reflect on the whole day. Think about the 7 step system in relation to each of the presentations you have seen. And then think about the 7 step system in relation to this event. All speaking is speaking for influence. At least all speaking is an opportunity for speaking for influence. The system works at any level.
Understanding the 7 step system and applying it with the template will save you a great deal of time. In order for it to be effective, however, you must master your delivery. Many people complain of the amount of time it is necessary to invest in order to reach a high standard. If you find yourself in this camp, it may be useful to think of the potential rewards.
If your 45 minute speech could earn you $1,000 how much time would you be prepared to invest in preparation? If you valued your time at around $20 an hour or $40,000 per annum, then presumably you would be prepared to invest 50 hours? What do you think 50 hours of preparation would do for your level of proficiency?
If you value your time at $100 an hour, then you would invest only 10 hours? But what if you could use the same presentation 10 times .. then you would be prepared to invest 100 hours?
What if the rewards were much higher than this and there was no limit to the number of times you could use the same presentation .. how much time would you invest then?
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