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Understanding the principles behind the 7-Step-System is essential to crafting your own presentation that guides your audiences through the buying journey. If you ensure that you follow all seven steps and that you allow time for your presentation to develop through use, you will significantly increase your influence with your audience.
In order to move forward quickly and by way of example, we have provided a template for you that follows the 7-Step-System. You can use the headings in the template for your own presentation to ensure that nothing is missed.
For example, it is very easy to forget about overcoming objections when you are busily preparing for a presentation the next day. But if you remember ahead of time, a carefully selected sentence or two can easily remove the top three obstacles from the mind of your audience.
By following the template you can avoid sticking clumsy closes onto the end of an apparently unrelated presentation or moving awkwardly into your close so that everyone in the audience shuts down saying to themselves oh, here it comes!
Part 1 – your host’s introduction of you
ü Yourcredibilityisbestestablishedbysomeonewhoisnotyou!
Part 2 – your presentation open
ü Confident,friendlystart
ü Hooktocapturetheirinterestearlyon–what’sthebigbenefit? ü Establishrapport
ü Credibilitythroughrelevantexperience
ü Positiontheaudience
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