Page 98 - C:\Users\direc\Documents\Flip PDF\2021 SCCTM Conference Program Book\
P. 98

Name: ___________________________________           Name: ___________________________________

                       Friday 12:00 – 1:30 Choices                          Friday 1:45 – 3:00 Choices

                          N32   12:00 - 1:30   Ballrooms A/B
                          N33   12:00 - 1:30   Ballroom C
                          N34   12:00 - 1:30   Lincoln                        N37   1:45-3:00   Ballrooms A/B
                          N35   12:00 - 1:30   Lexington A                    N38   1:45-3:00   Lincoln
                          N36   12:00 - 1:30   Richland C                     N39   1:45-3:00   Lexington A
                                                                              N40   1:45-3:00   Richland C
                   Sessions must be signed up for
                          online in advance.                           Sessions must be signed up for
                                                                              online in advance.
                         Seating is reserved.
                                                                             Seating is reserved.
                 Mark the 12:00 session that you
                        signed up online for.                         Mark the 1:45 session that you
                                                                            signed up online for.
                 Turn your ticket in at the session door.
                                                                     Turn your ticket in at the session door.

           Name: ___________________________________           Name: ___________________________________

            SCCTM Membership# ____________                            Exhibit Hall – 1 Hour of Your Choice

                    Turn in this ticket along with your           Mark Day: Thursday or Friday
                  session ticket as you enter your final
                         session at 1:30 or 1:45.                 Time Frame of Your Visit:

            Friday Door Prize Ticket for SCCTM Members.                Visit the Exhibits at the time of
                                                                                 your choice.
             Names will be drawn at the end of the day, during the final
            sessions. Check at information between 2:30 and 3:15 PM to   Write in the hour of time that
                          see if you are a winner.                         you spent visiting the
                     You must be present to win!
                                                                    Turn your ticket in at the SCCTM booth.
              Your final session room ______________.

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