Page 3 - 2013 EDITION COPE
P. 3

DELAYED ( (Play Mandate DelayedPlay Mandate Delayed— —
KYC 2 c

Keeping You Employers with less than
50 full time equivalent
Compliant employees remain un-
affected by the employer
On July 2, 2013, the
mandate (they were never
Obama Administration Assisting Our Clients to Keep
Assisting Our Clients to Keep
via the Treasury Depart- required to offer cover-
in Compliance with HR, DOL
ment issued a notice that in Compliance with HR, DOL age).
and PPACA Regulations
enforcement of two key and PPACA Regulations
provisions of Health Care Nor do these delays
change the planning that
Reform/PPACA will be
delayed from January 1, NE lowing sixty (60) days. ( c (Play Mandate DelayedPlay Mandate Delayed— — time employees, and The biggest short-term many employers have al-
who appeared to be
2014 to January 1, 2015. PER So the alternatives are impact for those em- ready begun to comply
TRIC NOT SO. There are few for most carriers. employment and health poised to continue that ployers is that they will and leverage Health Care
The two components are two or three scenari- (1) Drastically shorten coverage situation. not be required to rede- Reform. This simply gives
1) that certain employer GR os with dates of hire fine full time employees employers a longer period
reporting requirements your new hire wait pe- EMPLOYER MANDATE According to an annual as those working an av- with which to align their
survey by the nonprofit
are delayed; and 2) that a Just when you thought and the effective date riod to 60 days or less, erage of 30 or more benefits with their total
delay in the requirement of coverage where or (2) start coverage on The delay in the employ- Kaiser Family Founda- hours per week (versus rewards strategies to help
for employers with 50 or you understood a partic- the coverage will the 91st day, regardless er mandate is welcome tion and the Health Re- the traditional 40 hours drive organizational goals
search & Educational
news for some employ-
more full time equiva- ular part of the ACA, the begin after the 91st of the time of the per week definition).  and objectives.
lents employees offer wind changes direction day of hire. month. ers, particularly those in Trust, 98% of employers
affordable, essential and a new hurdle ap- construction, retail, res- with more than 200 em- PPACA provides employ-
taurant, and staffing in-
health coverage to all full pears. ( (Play Mandate DelayedPlay Mandate Delayed— — Not all car- ers with a once-in-a-
time employees working c continued)ontinued) “The delay in enforce- riers will dustries. It will likely benefits, and 94% of lifetime opportunity to
an average of 30 or more treat this in have little impact on the those with between 50 fully examine the role of
majority of “large” em-
and 199 employees offer
hours per week or pay a As you know, the maxi- REPORTING ment of a key provi- the same benefits in their talent ac-
penalty. mum waiting period for REQUIREMENTS sion provides some ployers who already insurance. quisition and talent man-
eligible new hires to be The lack of re- manner, as offered coverage to full agement strategies. The
The reasons given for the enrolled in your health porting will mean breathing room some of THIS MONTH’S COMPLIANCE QUESTION delay in enforcement of a
delay in enforcement in- plan is ninety (90) days. that employers key provision provides
clude recognition of the ACA requires that cover- are not required them will some breathing room for
difficulty for some em- to report to the state only allow a first of Q: My plan renewal is on 06/01. ment, the answer is 06/01/2014 if you that discussion, but em-
ployers to comply with age begins no more Exchanges which em- the month addition When will it become ACA com- are defined as a small group according ployers should use this
the provisions, and the than the 91st day. ployees were offered or deletion. pliant? to ACA. However, all groups, regard- time wisely.
lack of readiness in the affordable, essential less of size and its renewal date (plan
health care (affecting The requirements are
reporting infrastructure. Since many clients main- A: Well, it depends on which year), with begin paying the ACA taxes
The hope is that through tain a waiting period of the federal subsidies). Check with your Salus part of ACA you are referring and fees beginning with their coming, and employers
voluntary compliance in first of the month fol- Employees will be on Group Account Man- to. For the plan to meet all of 01/01/2014 billing cycle. As discussed should be prepared to
2014, the government the honor system for ager to see how your its requirements for minimum previous, these taxes and fees will add comply and leverage their
will have the opportunity lowing 90 days or long- 2014 to disclose accu- health insurance car- actuarial value, cover all es- approximately 5-6% to your base pre- preparedness and aligned
to test their systems, and er, the obvious fix is to rately to Exchange the rier will confirm to strategy in advance.

employers will have move the waiting period details of their this mandate. sential health benefits, and mium rate.
more time to comply. to first of the month fol-  meet the affordability require- — —provided by our friends provided by our friends
at Kushner & Companyt Kushner & Company
 a
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