Page 10 - Eco Catalogue Oct 2019
P. 10


                                                              It was Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall back in 2016 who
                                                              raised our awareness of the inability of
                                                              take-away coffee cups to be recycled and the sheer
                                                              volume that end up in landfill.

                                                              Blue Planet & Sky Ocean Rescue did the same thing
                                                              with single use water & soda bottles ending
                                                              up in landfill, beaches and the oceans.

                                                              High Street Coffee Shops now offer discounts if you
                                                              bring your own re-useable cup. Apps allow us to
                                                              find shops & businesses who will refill our re-useable
                                                              water bottles with tap water.

                                                              Just as companies bought their own Bags 4 Life to
                                                              help a nation break the habit of single use
                                                              carrier bags, the same is happening with Mugs 4 Life
                                                              and Bottles 4 Life.

                                                              Mugs 4 Life: Re-useable coffee cups with sipping lids
                                                              that mimick the single use varieties.

                                                              Bottles 4 Life: in all sorts of materials, shapes, colour
                                                              ways and with different thermal insulating
                                                              properties to encourage consumers to take their
                                                              water with them and refill, not buy/throw/forget.

                                                              Our favourites form the short list showcased in the
                                                              following pages…
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