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                                                                M E D I A , I N F OR M A T I O N ,  K N O W L E D G E

                                                                                A wealth of information at your fingertips.

                                                                                   Product Brochures & Updates
                                                                                   Video’s – Product & Training
                                                                                   News & Case Studies
                                                                                   Technical White Papers

                                                                                   Company information
                                                                                   Downloads

           INFORMED                                               CUSTOMER SERVICE
           The easiest way to find up-to-the-minute information   Cannon’s website is also the first place you turn when
           on cabinets, enclosures and data centre solutions is to   you need customer service, whether you need to
           visit  Here you will find the    quickly find a local partner or to submit enquiries to
           resources, contacts, data and product information that   Cannon Technologies.
           make specifying your requirements more simple.

           At Cannon’s website you will find breaking news and
           information on the latest product developments, as
           well as comprehensive support for our entire product

           Visit Cannon’s Products section for the latest models
           for Cabinets, Enclosures and Data Centre applications,
           as well as our expanding selection of accessories.
           Download PDF versions of our current brochures as
           well as simple to use tools for cabinet configuration
           and room/building design.


                 T :   + 44( 0) 142 5 632600   |  CA N N ON T E CH . CO. U K   |  S A LE S @ CA N N ON T E CH . CO. U K
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