Page 11 - noopli Brochure 3R
P. 11

The science behind

                          2 objectives, 1 result.

            The objective of Noopli mats is to capture the maximum amount particles and
          contamination at floor level. Once captured, these are retained to ensure they’re
             not released back into the environment, reducing the amount of potentially
                harmful contamination from entering into your critical environments.
                                  Capture. Retain. Reduce.

                         Capture.                                              Retain.                                            Reduce.

             Noopli’s polymeric coating is a naturally tacky   With other known solutions such as peel-off mats,    Cleaning of the mat surface with integration into
           surface, which not only attracts particles through   particle collection can ‘clog’ the effectiveness of   the facility’s wet-clean cycle/SOPs is integral to
            electrostatic forces but can effectively capture    repeated capture and retaining. Noopli not only     maintaining capture and retain effectiveness. This
          viable and non-viable particles up to 100 µm. Noopli   captures but retains particles in the material surface   will ensure mat optimisation and the reduction of
            is equally effective at capturing foot and wheel    - together with silver based antimicrobial action,   viable and non-viable particles from entering into
                        originating particles.                   Noopli helps inhibit and reduce the transfer of                  your critical areas.
                                                               harmful contamination entering your critical areas.

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