Page 2 - School 3Roda
P. 2

Cleaner hands and surfaces start with cleaner air.

                                                              small infectious droplets released by breathing and
                                                              talking travel large distances on air currents

                                     large infectious droplets released by coughing
                                     and sneezing fall to surfaces and hands

            METRES                   1 m                                                            45+ m

                       Highly infectious viruses like influenza and norovirus spread through the air.
                   While large droplets fall to surfaces, small droplets can stay airborne indefinitely.

                                                                 With Novaerus you can be sure the air your
                                                                 students and staff breathe is clean and healthy.

                                                                 In dozens of laboratory and clinical studies,
                                                                 Novaerus technology has been shown to:

                                                                       Reduce bacteria and viruses in the air that lead to
                                                                       colds, influenza, and gastrointestinal illness

                                                                       Reduce total VOCs that cause odour, headaches,
                                                                       and eye and throat irritation
                                                                       Reduce dust, mold spores, and pollen that
                                                                       trigger asthma and allergies

                                                                 “Compared to other years, we saw an
                                                                 increase in child attendance and a decrease
                                                                 in children being sick.”
                                                                 - Kindergarten Mamos Delne, Lithuania

                                            +353 1 907 2750
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