Page 2 - Airtower_2021.05
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The Airtower revolutionizes welding fume extraction.
Plug and play How it works outlet openings at the bottom
Single-point extraction of Stage 1: The exhausted air of the filter tower at low speed
welding fumes is neither passes through a multi-stage and without causing a draft.
practical nor efficient when cyclone pre-cleaner for spark The tower’s cylinder-shaped
executing mobile welding arresting and coarse particle design optimizes the flow of
work on large and complex separation. It is then purified fresh air to workers in the
parts. In contrast to classic by filter cartridges during the vicinity, ensures low-noise
production hall extraction first filter stage. Triggered by operation, and enables it to
systems, the Airtower does a differential pressure signal, blend attractively into the
not require any pipework. these cartridges are cleaned production environment.
Simply put it where you on a fully automatic basis by
need it. Connect the power means of a compressed air Design
and compressed air. Done. pulse in order to ensure the The high-performance
trouble-free, continuous oper- polycarbonate side panels
Layered ventilation ation of the system. Separated symbolize the system’s
Contaminated indoor air is dust and coarse particles are uncompromising lightweight
extracted at the top of the collected in a specially design- construction and make it
device, filtered and blown ed two-part dust collection resistant to impact, scratches,
back into the room near the drawer, easy to remove and and heat. The control system
floor without causing drafts. empty. is integrated into the device.
The layered ventilation Stage 2: The second filter A control console with text
principle is considered the stage features a class F9 display on the front panel
ideal recirculation method police filter. ensures ease of operation.
as it takes advantage of the Stage 3: Class G4 filters in
heat generated during the air outlet grilles support Installation
welding. It provides fresh the equal distribution of the The Airtower is delivered on a
air in the breathing zone recirculated air and protect ”plug and play“ basis and can
and minimizes heating costs the device from an ingress be repositioned as needed at
by reducing the amount of of dust when not in use. any time thanks to its forklift
required outside air. The cleaned air now leaves slots and lifting eyes.
through the three large