Page 13 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 7 - 27th May 2019
P. 13

 FRAXIONS: As expected, some profit takings took place over the last week on the huge growth shown by BTC, which has affected our Fraxion pay-outs a bit. We have noMced in the past that when our Fraxions go down then the BTC follows and when our Fraxion go up so does the BTC. In the light of this, we expect a major correcMon in the next week or so and will not be surprised if the BTC drops all the way to about $6,000 before it runs again. This DOES NOT mean that our Fraxions are not good anymore. It only means we need to make ready for another Bull Run and we believe the 2nd half of the year will make every single Uhuru Investor so happy being a partner and investor. Where we used to be hesitant to tell you what to do, we are so excited about the Crypto market and our expectaMons have never been as strong as for the next year starMng from middle July. Climb in BOOTS and ALL as never ever before!
FX Trading: The FX Trading did be]er than we expected and the proceeds for last week was 2,5% which was 0,03% be]er than the previous week. Many have spoken about the financial market crashes and Trump has shown them wrong over the last year. However, all signs are on the wall that the internaMonal markets are about to make a dive and all previous market crashes will look like babies against this one coming. The Mme has never
been so ripe for it. We trust we will be ready for it and hope to right the SHORTS all the way to the bo]om. This means GOLD, SILVER and BTC will be the STORES of VALUE for the future and we need to start accumulaMng on these. Watch this space for more info soon.
UHURU CASH: As promised, the Uhuru Cash accounts have been
acMvated and started to operate again. All withdrawals are paid into your UHC Wallets. This is in line to make the Uhuru Tribe eco system more effecMve and user friendly. That means also that you can make withdrawals directly from UHC into your bank account or make other Uhuru investments with your Uhuru Cash investments without converMng to UHC.
We remain EXTREMELY bullish on our own Founders CollecMon and would like to strongly suggest: MOVE AT LEAST 50% OF YOUR INVESTMENTS FROM THE TRADE ACCOUNT TO THE FOUNDERS COLLECTION!! You will never be sorry about this move, as it will be the best move you have made within your Uhuru Poruolio.

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