Page 2 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 7 - 27th May 2019
P. 2

Dear Tribe,
Uhuru Tribe has grown from 154 members on 23 March to 329 members on 20 April and we were 630 on 24 May. This means we are now doubling our membership every 4 weeks.
Just in the last month we have paid out UHC 7440 in level bonuses alone. This was paid to 176 Tribesman, 44 Elders, 5 Headman and to our first Clan chief, who reached this posiMon on Saturday 25th May. This all is due to the great enthusiasm of our people, excellent products and a backup service of our various departments. In short: A TRIBE that got hold of the vision of building a wealth creaMon network naMon and which is full steam on the run. The Uhuru train has leT the staMon and we have to make sure all that wants to build wealth is on the train.
We took noMce of other Crypto Businesses which have come and gone and we can only be thankful that in the midst of all crises and the slump we had with BTC, we are sMll standing and we are growing. We constantly honour our partners who trust us and we have all reason to believe that the GREAT outpouring of God’s Blessings is about to come as never before and we are going to be part of it.
Earlier the year we have speculated about the possibility of having a Conference later in the year somewhere in South Africa and we believe the Mme is now ripe to have a 2-day workshop someMme in September. We want to have a power pact 2 days that will change your life forever with all our partners, the other groups with whom we are in joint venture as well as famous networkers and Social media moguls that will equip you to the hilt to make mega bucks.
We have already launched a team to start working on a venue, a programme and even a way to make it possible for you to fly to the place with all expenses paid. How does that sound for an opportunity? We are busy with major upgrades in our system and with it comes new products, be]er income structures and a touch of Crypto that will change your life for the good as no other has ever done before! We are going to go BIG, or go home!
The Mme for Crypto has come and therefore our Mme. We firmly believe that the only real stores of value in a crippling financial disaster world will be GOLD, SILVER and CRYPTO and we are going to play a major role in creaMng wealth for our people. We will celebrate it in September this year! Watch this space for more info soon.
Let’s join forces and create an entrepreneur in every household in Africa!

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