Page 5 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 7 - 27th May 2019
P. 5

 People ask me all the Mme how I can do all the business I do and sMll maintain a good personal life. I always tell them “I give 100% of me when I’m at work and I give 100% of me when I’m on other things. No ifs and buts – it’s always living in the moment where you physically are.”
Failed expecta>ons – I’ve seen this happen a lot and it breaks my heart every single Mme. People oTen enter the fray with a bag full of hopes and dreams. They give their hearts and souls to their projects and execute it with expectaMons of hidng the jackpot in their first try. When the launch date finally comes and the results come back less than stellar, they are deflated and lost on what went wrong. Some people fold up into depression and never come back in fear of gedng burned again. This is just not the right mindset if you want to succeed in online business ventures.
Remember what I always say: when things don’t go as planned, it’s not a failure. It’s a setback. It doesn’t mean you’re dumb or that the situaMon is hopeless; it only means that there are parts of what you did that need adjustments.
What did I learn from this?
It’s not how many Mmes you fail. It’s about pushing forward and never quidng. The important thing is that you don’t give up. It’s just a ma]er of percepMon and acceptance.
Success in the world is for those who persevere.
Quidng is easy, and when it becomes habitual, you see it happen in all facets of your life. You don’t want to go to a zone like that. Life is full of opportuniMes and if you work hard and smart enough, you’ll eventually get what you want.
Trust me, I know.

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