Page 7 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 7 - 27th May 2019
P. 7
Last week we announced that we have revived our relaMonship with Ker-Ching and we also informed you of all the changes that are busy taking place within Ker-Ching. They had 2 weeks ago 31,000 members and expect to grow this figure to over a million by end of this year. Indeed, a huge target and maybe an “out-of-reach dream” for many of us. We have learned that THERE ARE NO LIMITS in life besides the ones you impose upon yourself.
Ching Card. We have arranged for the Card bu]on to be live again on the website and nothing stops you from gedng the orders for it again. If you know of someone that wants the card, just let them sign up at Uhuru and then order the card from their landing page. You will get your commission and we will automaMcally fill up your downline.
We will soon be announcing all the benefits and services that you will be able to acquire with the card. The order is a once-off UHC 14.00 for the card with the App.
Ker-Ching is going to change the lifestyles of hundreds of thousands of
South Africans ini7ally
What is for sure is that Ker-Ching is going to change the lifestyles of hundreds of thousands of South Africans iniMally and then eventually millions around the globe and we at Uhuru want to be part of that wave. We see it very clearly as an addiMonal passive income stream and a way of overcoming the shackles the banks have put upon so many of our people.
This means that we are busy gedng the stuff ready for our new cards and we want to encourage you, especially the South African Uhuru Members to full out start markeMng with the Uhuru Ker-
We should be able to send out all new cards that replace the old ones very soon. In the meanMme, make sure to order yours if you have not done so previously.
The InternaMonal Card should only work from about 5 weeks from now and therefore the Namibian people should bear a bit more paMence Mll aTer then, when all regarding their cards will be sorted out!
We want to arrange an Uhuru Trip to a]end the launch of the Ker-Ching card in September. Tickets will be available for between R400 and R700. Watch this space for more info and hope to see you all at the event.