Page 11 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 4 - 6th May 2019
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and assist them to make Uhuru Tribe their way of life as a real business earning a 6- figure income on a constant basis.
Saturdays we have the JOIN THE TEAM Sessions at 14h00 where you can invite anybody whom you can't see face to face to aOend a presenta<on and sign up aperwards. REMEMBER: In personal presenta<on is always best. However, it is some<mes not possible and the 2nd best op<on is a presenta<on by a skilled person who knows the business, its products and who has the necessary skills. By aOending it yourself, you learn these skills by watching it, aOending it with the person whom you invited and making it very easy for you to aperwards sign him/her up. By you aOending with him/her, they can see you in the aOendance list, you can privately send each other chats and arrange for a Skype or WhatsApp call aperwards and finalise some ques<ons he/she might s<ll have aper the
presenta<on. You can also encourage him/ her to ask ques<ons during the Ques<on and answer sec<on of the presenta<on.
In order to get the best for yourself and your team, aLend these webinars on a regular basis and you will be surprised how quickly you will go forward.
Note: We post news and updates on our social media accounts. Follow the tribe if you haven’t done so.
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