Page 10 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 4 - 6th May 2019
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If your subconscious “financial blueprint” is not “set” for success, nothing you learn, nothing you know, and nothing you do will make much of a difference. – T. Harv Eker
You might ask, What is the use of our Webinars? Since everybody is now invi<ng people to webinars and it takes up a lot of our <me. In most cases, organisa<ons have these webinars for the purpose to sell you another product.
That is NOT the case at Uhuru Tribe. As we are not into selling but rather assis<ng our Tribe in crea<ng wealth or genera<ng an income. All our webinars are focussed in assis<ng and suppor<ng our Tribe.
Monday and Wednesday evenings at 19h00 (CAT) we focus predominantly on the Uhuru Tribe website, how to use it and geEng the best out of it, some changes and new
func<ons to use. As well as the benefits our various products offer the members and customers.
By aOending these informa<on dissemina<on sessions, you can improve your own knowledge which you can apply to support your customers and down line. The more you know the beOer service you can offer. You can ask ques<ons that will enable you to make beOer decisions and change your wealth crea<on plans into fast track mode.
The Tuesday evening mee<ngs are only for our VIP Members in order to assist them to build their teams and downlines much faster