Page 8 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 4 - 6th May 2019
P. 8

 This means: You give R14.00 as surety for 1 UHC. You invest the UHC which mul<plies through inves<ng in whatever plaXorm you choose and as long as you par<cipate in the investment the UHC pays out into your wallet. Once you have 1 full UHC in your wallet you can draw it, but when you draw it, we keep the UHC and give you back your R14.00. Now if that Investment you made is s<ll working for you it will keep on paying out in UHC and you can repeat the process by selling your UHC in your wallet for ZAR for as long as this process takes place. Other people also want to par<cipate and we use the same UHC you handed in to lend to them for the same process and because there are more of them that want to do what you have done; they give higher sure<es to get the UHC to par<cipate. But because you have the UHC you get the benefit of the higher surety and not only do you benefit from your investment, but you also benefit from the higher value of the UHC. This is infla<on in reverse.
What will happen if the demand for UHC drops and there are more people wan<ng to get rid of their UHC then there are investors you might ask? Then the opposite will take place and your UHC will drop in value. So where is YOUR surety then? It lies in the trust you have in the Uhuru Tribe to maintain a service, and product line that will always offer what the market requires in order to create a constant demand for new investors or investors who are so happy that they increase their current par<cipa<on. 

The big ques<ons then are:
Am I happy enough to make another investment?
Can I see that Uhuru will sustain what it is currently doing and will they be able to con<nue doing this for as long as I have need of increasing the value of my investment?

Uhuru predominantly trades, buys, sells Crypto’s and par<cipate in FX Trading, but what is the sustainability of this? If there is no end to this then there should enough reason to con<nue following their current recipes for success and that means that it can con<nue forever.
Is the Crypto markets and FX markets constantly growing or diminishing in size? If constantly growing then I am on a winning streak!
There are many ques<ons you might want to add. For now, we just want to tell you that as from next week you will start feeling the increase in value of the UHC right in your pockets!
      You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.
- Zig Ziglar
Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.
- Robert Kiyosaki

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