Page 14 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 4 - 6th May 2019
P. 14
We are very bullish regarding the Cryptos and increase our Crypto PorXolio on a constant basis. There are s<ll signs that the BTC might drop again, but that becomes dimmer on a daily basis and BTC is now on the $6,000 threshold which might be a point for profit taking. Once it has broken through this barrier, you can make yourself ready for some wonderful <mes ahead. Not only will it mean you will increase the value of your Crypto porXolios if you have any, but your FRAXION investments will do exactly as we promised and your FX Trade investments will stay behind as Fraxions will outperform the other investments.
Our Founders Collec<ons will even do much beOer as FOMO will start to affect many who will then for fear of losing out jump on the bandwagon and the demand for UHC will even increase more. See the Ar<cle elsewhere in this edi<on regarding crea<ng your own wealth within the Uhuru Tribe.
The Fraxions are now constantly paying out above UHC 0,14 per day and we have no hesita<on to believe this might grow to as much as UHC 0.20 within the next year or so. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: WE DO NOT PROMISE THIS!! We are saying if things remain the same as is currently the case, it seems that this might happen.
We remain EXTREMELY bullish on our own Founders Package and would like to strongly suggest: MOVE AT LEAST 50% OF YOUR INVESTMENTS FROM THE TRADE ACCOUNT TO THE FOUNDERS COLLECTION!!
You will never be sorry about this move, as it will be the best move you have made within your Uhuru PorXolio.
FRAXIONS: Our Fraxions now pay out daily around 0.14 UHC as men<oned above, which is much beOer returns than others in similar markets. If you keep your UHC for another 3 months you will also see the benefit of that which means your Uhuru Fraxions will pay you out twice. First the Fraxion income and then the higher UHC value.
FX Trading: The FX Trading is currently slowing down and we do not expect much beOer results in the short term as the markets are very quiet at the moment. Do not expect the same results as what you have experienced 2 months ago. We have acquired the services of another trader and trust we will maintain our current levels of profits.