Page 2 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 4 - 6th May 2019
P. 2

Dear Tribe
That we are experiencing growth beyond our wildest dreams is an incontestable fact. That we are forced to make changes, some<mes unwanted and not falling in line with our habits, because of the new demands placed on us due to the growth, which is also an irrefutable fact. That these changes and growth create teething problems and challenges that build frustra<on is also an indisputable fact. HOWEVER,

We are touching lives and influence the future of not only many investors, but we are also crea<ng business opportuni<es and seEng up people to become wealth creators. That is probably one of the most rewarding essen<als of being a Uhuru Tribe member who is busy building a downline. Crea<ng a downline not only improves your lifestyle and income capacity but surely sets up someone who is interested in doing something about his/her own life as far as financial independence is concerned. This brought me to think of crea<ng a WEALTH CREATOR award or form of recogni<on. How we will recognise such an individual? How will reward him/her? This is s<ll a challenge to us, but this is what we are going to work on in the next month or so. Watch this space!
As far as the teething problems and unwanted changes on the website and within our system is concerned, be assured they are necessary in order to make all our lives smoother and more comfortable in the end. That also means that we
are cleaver enough to listen to ideas and sugges<ons from those who make use of our services and therefore you will unfortunately s<ll experience many of these for a while. WE sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused during this construc<on period, but rest assured: It is for the beOer for us all!
Once again you have a full magazine this week. Read it through and please give aOen<on to detail. You will only benefit by it. Un<l next <me...
Let’s join forces and create an entrepreneur in every household in Africa!
 guaranteed fact from all of these is that we are not only moving forward but producing a force and group that needs to be recognised and are busy making an impact on those who make use
the most
  of our services.


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