Page 3 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 4 - 6th May 2019
P. 3

Uhuru Tribe is a Stokvel and NOT an inves<ng Company. That means we are NOT a registered financial service provider, neither a financial advisor.
We are a club that merges our finances together and then invest it in various instruments or plaXorms and when we take profits from it, we divide the profits in accordance to our original par<cipa<on from that inves<ng strategy used.
Because of the aforesaid, we are not allowed to take any money from any investor and we have used the BTC as a basis of taking funds. Then we introduced the UHC because people struggled to get hold of BTC due to all the financial requirements placed
upon them by various exchanges. We made the UHC available to borrow from us in order to streamline the process and make it much easier for all to par<cipate within our club.
When we launched the FX Trade facility, we allowed you to offer your sure<es directly in the form of ZAR and even quoted you in ZAR while we actually converted your funds on the backend for par<cipa<on. In order to be more transparent and to make sure there is NO doubt in how we operate, we are going to stop quo<ng any figures in the future in ZAR on the FX Trade plaXorm. The whole plaXorm will in future only quote and operate in UHC which will make all our lives much easier.

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