Page 11 - Uhuru Tribe eNewsletter - Edition 9
P. 11
Our challenge was from the beginning, how do you give commissions on a commodity where huge mark-ups are not really viable as it makes the product in the end too expensive. To mark up cosmeCcs, health products or services with up to a 1,000% is not so strange in the Network Industry, but when you deal with various currencies and money, that is easier said than done. We however embarked on it and went into the deep end. Started with an Affiliate approach of only 2 levels and realised that later that we have to do something in order to increase the commissions to make it viable for our Entrepreneurs. We then introduced the Level Bonusses which was new and helped a lot.
What we never took into consideraCon was that many of the members would try and jump the system by registering under themselves in order to build a mulC structure performance team and thus a “Smoke Team” to qualify for the Level Bonusses. We could have said right from the beginning you were only allowed ONE account per person, but how would we have implemented it, because we never required KYC requirements in any case?
As the business grew, the system caught up with us and we eventually paid out more on bonusses, commissions and maintenance of the website than we received and our very FIRST priority IS and ALWAYS WILL be the parCcipants who trust us with their precious hard earned funds. At the same Cme we have an obligaCon to fulfil expectaCons we might have created with the entrepreneurs and we got the advice of some Network specialists in.
WE saw the most of our ENTREPRENEURS and Commission earners are the very same ones who parCcipate heavily in the investment planning and therefore whatever we do will be in the interest of both by protecCng Uhuru Tribe. That is, come up with a compensaCon plan that will give the highest commissions while at the same Cme protect the investments at ALL costs. We CANNOT eat into the investments to pay commissions as we have never done so and we are not intending to do so. That is why we have always added the commissions on the Uhuru Cash Plans as well as the Fraxions to the investment and with the FX Trade the commissions come from the profits BEFORE we declare the profits. But it is never taken from the investments.
Aler careful invesCgaCon and research it was concluded that the best way of increasing the commissions was a mulCple Tier structure where commission is paid over several levels. It was even considered to increase the membership fees with NO increase in the commissions. We are very well aware of the fact that most people do not want to pay a monthly membership fee although they get monthly