Page 12 - Uhuru Tribe eNewsletter - Edition 9
P. 12
benefits and we have then decided that because we pay over 10 levels on the commissions that the individual commission should increase substanCally.
Here is the breakdown of the income from memberships in order to understand what the situaCon is:
Level Bonuses
Admin, Wages, MarkeCng, Website
UHC 9.00 (was UHC 12.50) UHC 12.00
UHC 1.60
UHC 2.40
UHC 25.00
UHC 25.00
The switch was by taking from commissions and increased the level bonusses provisions in order to give righFul recogniCon to the team builders in the Tribe. The calculaCons to honour the current level bonusses were wrong in the past. Another concern is that the admin costs are at very bare minimum. Just to give you an indicaCon. Our next upgrade to the website and compliance with government requirements for our Taxes etc, requires US$ 50,000
We are aware that many of you will not be happy with this outcome, but we have a choice Go BIG and face the challenges and address them while we can or go broke.
You are ALL part of UHURU TRIBE and have enjoyed the benefits of this GREAT movement. You know what it is worth to YOU and we would like to know from YOU: Shall we increase our monthly membership or shall we ride out the wave with the increase of the UHC in value? PLEASE send us an email at
We can always increase the monthly membership to UHC 29.50? What you should not forget is that 2 months ago the total UHC 12.50 was worth ZAR 171.87. Today UHC 9.00 is worth ZAR 132.75 Where do you think the UHC 9.00 will be 2 months
from now?