Page 7 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 8 - 3rd June 2019
P. 7
Crypto will become the Store-of-Value of the future, we decided to do the marke?ng through a network system whereby we reward our partners. We do this directly with the marke?ng fees that would have been spent in other media campaigns. The reason being a disciple who has experienced the results of a good product, is worth much more than an advert, because Word-of-Mouth is the most powerful adver?sing medium.
Ini?ally a 2-?er commission structure was compiled. Many people do not realise the strength of a team and prefer taking all commissions for themselves and thus register themselves below themselves. This
Aner much research and inves?ga?ng we will therefore change the commission structures to be as follows as from Monday, 10 June. This will benefit so many. All members will now qualify for commissions up to 10 levels deep, on all in their downline. The challenge of paying for a membership if you don’t have others who don’t pay theirs in your downline is now gesng smaller. This makes it much easier to get a bigger income giving more apen?on to building deep as well as wide.
For purpose of illustra?on we will use the following rewarding system for all our members: