Page 8 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 8 - 3rd June 2019
P. 8
From now on to qualify for a Tribesman you must have 5 MEMBERS in your downline of whom you must have recruited a minimum of 2 yourself. You must have invested in a minimum of 2 Fraxions. Your Level Up Bonus is UHC 15.00
To become an Elder, you must have a minimum of 25 members in your downline of which you have recruited a minimum of 4 yourself, have at least 6 Fraxions and have 4 Tribesman in your downline. Your Level up Bonus is ONLY UHC 60.00
For the purpose of your downline we count all members for 10 levels deep. That means although we only have 7 levels you will s?ll be able to count
every member in your downline up to 10 levels.
So, the requirements go on and on.
The commission structures also change now from a 2 Tier level to 10 Levels.
This means as you have previously only received commission on level 1 and 2 below you, you will now receive commission on all transac?ons for 10 levels deep. We have reduced the Level bonusses in the sense that you now only get the highest-level bonus you qualify for and not the lower levels anymore. HOWEVER, the 10 Tier structure will make up much more for this and catapult you in a much higher income bracket if you are a TEAM builder!