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16* Bruno Chiesa and Miriam Goldstein

     (risālah = Scripture).8 This trilogy appears already in the writings of Yaʽqūb
     al-Qirqisānī,9 Yefet b. ʻEli10 and in a different form, in those of Salmon b.
     Yeruḥīm.11 The trilogy is also presented by Elijah b. Abraham (12th c.) in his
     Hebrew work entitled The division of Karaites and Rabbanites (‫חלוק הקראים‬
     ‫)והרבנים‬, in the context of a discussion of the name ‘Karaite’. Elijah states

     that others had named them ‘Karaites’ because of their refusal to accept ‘the

     new Torah, called Oral Torah’, which goes back to Jeroboam son of Nebat,
     who ‘denied belief in the Sender (‫)שולח‬, the messenger (‫)שליח‬, and the divine
     message (‫’)שליחות‬.12 Elijah b. Abraham’s use of this trilogy is built on the
     theory of Karaite origins as given by Yaʽqūb al-Qirqisānī;13 in contrast and

     as will become clear below, Yefet dates Karaite origins to a later period,

     around the time of Hillel and Shammai.

      8 In a related and nearly contemporaneous work, the Karaite Creed as set
              forth by Israel ben Samuel ha-Maʻarabi (al-Maghribī), a judge in Cairo
              in the first half of the fourteenth century (ed. E. Mainz, Proc. American
              Academy of Jewish Research 22 [1953]: 59), the second article is on the
              rusulīyah of Moses (cf. L. Nemoy, “A Modern Egyptian Manual of the
              Karaite Faith,” Jewish Quarterly Review 62 [1971]: 3).

      9 Cf. for example al-Qirqisānī’s commentary to Gen. 1:26, in H. Ben-
              Shammai, “The Doctrines of Religious Thought of Abû Yûsuf Yaʻqûb al-
              Qirqisânî and Yefet ben ʻElî” (Ph.D. diss., Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
              1977) [Hebrew], II (texts), bet-10 l. 115.

      10 Cf. for example Yefet’s commentary to Gen. 1:26: H. Ben-Shammai,
              Doctrines, I, p. 195 n. 25; D. Frank, Search Scripture Well. Karaite
              Exegetes and the Origins of the Jewish Bible Commentary in the Islamic
              East (Leiden: Brill, 2004), 217 n.50, 310 (text); M. Zawanowska, The Arabic
              Translation and Commentary of Yefet ben ʻEli the Karaite on the Abraham
              Narratives (Genesis 11:10–25:18) (Leiden: Brill, 2012), 93 (and ib. n.9).

      11 Salmon b. Yeruḥim in his commentary on Ps. 28:2 (cf. Y.-A ii.1059,
              f. 42v–43r; Y.-A. i.1345, f. 140r–v) speaks of four ‘principles’: the
              aforementioned trilogy plus the place of prayer (‫)בית התפלה‬. The same is
              found in Yehudah Hadassi, Eshkol ha-kofer (Gözlöw, 1836), Alf. 178, yud.

      12 Cf. L. Nemoy, “Elijah ben Abraham and His Tract Against the Rabbanites,”
              Hebrew Union College Annual 51 (1980): 63–87; the quotation is from 69,
              the Hebrew text can be found in S. Pinsker, Lickute Kadmoniot (Vienna:
              Adalbert della Torre, 1860), ii, 100.

      13 Cf. W. Bacher, “Qirqisani, the Karaite, and His Work on Jewish Sects,”
              Jewish Quarterly Review 7 (1895): 694; M.A. Cohen, “Anan Ben David and
              Karaite Origins,” Jewish Quarterly Review 68 (1978): 129–145, 224–234;
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