Page 27 - Climate Control News Magazine Feb 2019
P. 27
Indoor Air Quality
The rapid increase of synthetic products in all aspects of life has
created a soup of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Biotoxins.
Air conditioners get big sell, maintenance ignored
WHEN IT COMES to selling air conditioners, the industry has done an exceptional job, espe- cially in Australia.
Unfortunately one area that has been com- pletely overlooked is educating the public about maintenance, according to Hydrokleen.
In its submission to the parliamentary in- quiry into Biotoxin-related illnesses in Austral- ia, the cleaning company said once an indoor unit becomes contaminated with Biotoxins it continually recirculates the dirty air.
“We firmly believe that poorly maintained air conditioning systems are contributing to Australia's health problems and affecting work- place productivity,” the submission said noting that there are over 15 million air conditioners in Australia growing at a rate of some 1.3 million per year.
“The filters in most air conditioners are de- signed to catch large particles. Air going through the filters can contain mould spores, fungi, DNA, pet dander, dust mites, viral micro- bials and dirt.
“These particles, which are microscopic, are smaller than a human hair and easily pass through the filters.
“They are both organic and inorganic and at- tach to the coil, barrel fan and other surfaces of the air conditioners.”
The submission said the next ingredient for mould to grow is moisture, which comes in the form of warm air passing over the cooling coil and causing moisture to form on the coils.
This forms a paste or biofilm.
“The perfect environment has been created to form and make the mould flourish. The con- densation runs off the coils into a drain pan which becomes another breeding ground.
LEFT: The absence of legislation has allowed self regulation by property owners.
BELOW: Poorly maintained air conditioning systems are contributing
to Australia’s health problems.
“As the air coming off the coils is unfiltered it is able to pick up the mould spores and distribute them into the room as unfiltered particles,” Hy- drokleen explains.
“The air conditioner is a very efficient system to introduce microbials into the air we breathe.” Although the air conditioner is designed to
improve our health, one that is poorly main- tained can cause serious breathing problems.
“An air conditioning system that is regularly maintained normally does not pose a health problem if it has been sized correctly and in- stalled properly,” the submission said.
In addition to filter problems, the submission said oversized inverter air conditioners can cause rooms to go mouldy.
At the same time a dirty air conditioner will use up to 30% more power.
Hydrokleen recommended an education cam- paign exposing the dangers of poorly maintained air conditioners.
rent industry guidelines and Australian Stand- ards is essential and should be addressed as a matter of urgency.”
As a result of the Inquiry a number of recom- mendations have been made to the Department of Health including the development of stand- ards for mould testing and remediation, further research into the adequacy of current building codes to prevent mould in buildings and CIRS education for doctors and health professionals.
The Committee has recommended clinical guide- lines for general practioners for the diagnosis, treat- ment and management of CIRS-like symptoms.
There are also plans being considered to com- mission the National Health and Medical Re- search Council to conduct research into CIRS as well as links between mould and biotoxins.