Page 8 - Climate Control News Magazine Feb 2019
P. 8
Advisory body for licensing
There are almost 90,000 RAC technicians registered in Australia.
A new residential air-conditioning standard for residential heating and cooling systems AS/NZS 5141:2018 has been released.
This standard specifies requirements for the design, selection, installation and commissioning of climate control systems to maximise operating energy efficiency within Class 1 residential buildings.
THE AUSTRALIAN REFRIGERATION Council (ARC) is set to announce the establishment of a new advisory body to provide industry specific advice on a range of issues likely to impact li- censing in 2019.
The new body will provide advice on the intro- duction of new gases or equipment used in Aus- tralia, international trends that could impact local industry, improvements to licensing and training requirements as well as regulatory changes. ARC will call for nominations for the industry advisory body in coming weeks, however, a council spokes- person was unable to provide further details.
Meanwhile, ARC released its annual report for the 2017-18 financial year which shows there are 89,237 licensed individuals and au-
thorised businesses registered in Australia. This includes 2,767 new licence and authorisa-
tion holders.
During the financial year, ARC completed
5,768 permit checks and education visits.
A total of 84 licences were cancelled due to
The Department of the Environment and Energy
has announced that fees for RAC licences and au- thorisations increased by 2.282 per cent from Janu- ary 1, 2019, in-line with the Wage Price Index (WPI).
Also, from January 1, 2019, the default dura- tion for refrigerant handling licences and trading authorisations will be three years, except for re- frigerant trainee licences which will remain at one year.
New Victorian plumbing regulations came into effect last year.
The new regulations remove the requirement for a licensed plumber to sign off on refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) work, better reflecting the way the RAC industry actually operates.
The competencies for the new regulations also align better with the RAC permit scheme, with the underlying qualification covered in the electrotechnology stream.
New ANZ leader in Aurecon restructure
GLOBAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, Au- recon, has undertaken a restructure adding two more female executives to its leadership team.
Aurecon's new global CEO, William Cox, has announced the appointment of Louise Adams as managing director of Australia and New Zea- land (ANZ).
The incoming global CEO has moved bold- ly to restructure his leadership team as he announces his intention to continue Au-
recon’s rapid growth and continuing diversi- fication across Digital, Advisory and Asia, following record profit margins over the past three years.
Adams was previously the regional director responsible for Aurecon’s South Australian and Victorian practice and the first female member of Aurecon’s Global Board.
Francoise Merit, previously Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for Australia and New Zealand, has
FAR LEFT: ANZ managing director, Louise Adams.
MIDDLE LEFT: Aurecon’s global CFO, Francoise Merit.
LEFT: Chief operating officer, Andrew Muller.
been appointed Aurecon’s Global CFO, with pre- vious CFO Andrew Muller appointed as Au- recon’s new Chief Operating Officer (COO).
Cox said each of the new appointments are sea- soned, expert operators at the top of their fields.
He said they are certainly capable of leading the charge as Aurecon consolidates growth and seeks out new opportunities.
“Louise and Francoise’s appointments bring the number of women on our Executive Com- mittee to three, reflecting Aurecon’s commit- ment to increasing the number of female leaders as we continue to build a culture of diversity, in- novation and digital excellence across Aurecon globally,” Cox said.
Merit and Muller began their new roles on Jan- uary 1, 2019 while Adams appointment is effec- tive February 1, 2019.