Page 54 - Print21 magazine Sep-Oct 2022
P. 54

   The power of a simple
WOW Card
Marketing guru Malcolm Auld points to a simple but effective way businesses have been able to retain customers and assist with their cash flow.
One of the business practices that has been lost with the move to digital communications is manners. People
rarely thank others for doing business. Ironically, both manners and honesty are so rare that when executives are polite or perceived to be truthful, it stands out. Here’s how a couple of small businesses leverage manners to build their brand and bottom line.
My bride gets her hair done at a premium salon in my local suburb. It’s certainly a lot more expensive than my No.1 all over at the local barber. The salon owner drives one of the most expensive convertible German sports cars in the neighbourhood.
I was interviewing the owner a few years ago when I discovered many clients pay her half in cash and half on credit card. This means their partners never know the real cost
of getting their hair done. I asked a marketing seminar audience if this was a common habit and was stunned at how many in the audience did so.
But I digress. The salon owner is a very savvy marketer and during the pandemic sold her business for a tidy profit that has allowed her to retire on the Sunshine Coast in her early fifties. One of the best marketing tactics she used is what she called WOW Cards.
Engaging: Die-cut card with QR code response device and personalised message inside
Twice a year, each of the salon staff hand-writes a personal card to their clients, mentioning something they know about the client and thanking them for their business. The message could be as simple as “I hope your
dog is better now”, or “great to hear your son won the competition” – just things that a hairdresser learns during conversations with their clients while serving them at the salon.
The reason the salon owner calls them WOW Cards is because that’s what the clients say when they open them – “WOW”. The clients love
the personal message and thought that has gone into each card. More importantly, the cards generate more bookings than any other tactic, even though they don’t ask for a booking.
This simple act of thanking
a customer with a personalised message is powerful – and because so few companies do it, the card stands out, and works its head off for the sender. A great way to strengthen the customer relationship.
My cousin owned an audio equipment business for the broadcasting industry. He used a different type of card to ensure he got paid on or ahead of time. Whenever he got a new customer, he would call to get the name of the accounts clerk responsible
for processing his invoices. Each month he would mail his
statements to the accounts payable clerk in a personalised envelope. Attached to the invoice/statement was a $2 scratch ‘n’ win card, and a personal post-it note – “thank you for paying my invoice on time”.
What do you think was the result of this simple gesture? His invoices were paid on or before time and he never had bad debts. When he came to sell his business the auditors couldn’t believe how positive his cash flow was, and he secured a premium price as a result.
Create your own
If you’re a printer, why not create your own scratch ‘n’ win cards – the prizes could be your branded merchandise, movie tickets, or any simple gift that the accounts clerk would more than appreciate – because nobody appreciates accounts clerks.
A printing business that is growing in the digital age using personalised hand-written cards is Send Handwritten – https://
Owner Greg Smith explained the business model to me. His team generates leads for clients using customised envelopes and hand- written cards and letters. Each envelope is printed four-colour and wax-sealed. The imagery on the envelope and card are consistent
with the message, including a call to action. The mailings can also be supported by telemarketing
The success of the business
is in the WOW-factor of the design and customisation of
the mailpack and message. And the simple fact that a polite hand-written personal
message is so rare as to be conspicuous. So if you want to get your clients saying WOW
to your marketing, consider your manners – you’ll be surprised what it will do for your business. 21
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