Page 20 - Print21 November-December 2022
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                LIVE – Amplify & Engage
         Revolution Print
Next up was print service provider and self-described print geek Leon Wilson, from Ballarat based Revolution Print, with an inspiring story of transforming the general offset jobbing printer into an advanced digital print shop.
Then six months ago Revolution took the step to begin digital label printing, with Wilson taking the time to understand what the market really needed, and setting up his digital label printing business accordingly. He gave as much, if not more, thought to the workflow, as to the production kit, which was the full AccurioLabel 230 from Konica Minolta, with GM converting unit. He set up a full digital workflow, with 24/7 ordering through the online set-up. All the software was ready when the press arrived. He had also bought 50 finishing dies, and had ordered in a full range of labelstocks and laminates, and worked out the pricing.
He had clearly thought it through well, it took just a month to get it up and running, then the first month of production saw it break even , and it has been in profit every month since. A typical new customer was the micro-winery that needed just 600 labels for its 600 bottles of wine. Wilson said while this was a small order, that winery owner then told his friend and fellow winery owners, who then came in and ordered their own labels. Wilson said, “We are printing their dream.”
Entering digital labels: Leon Wilson, Revolution Print
Challenges and opportunities: (l-r)
Paul Haggett, Zaidee Jackson, Joe Foster, Paul Sanelli and Wayne Robinson
Mingle & Luminar
How digitally printed packaging is helping brands drive sales growth was the headline of the day, and exemplified perfectly by Jordyn Evans from Mingle Seasoning. She presented a Tiktok-style video showing how working with Matt Ellis, at his Luminar digitally printed packaging business, had enabled her to take what was a start-up kitchen benchtop business, to one that now has its products stocked on the shelves of the nation’s major supermarkets, with the sachet packaging playing a key role, enabling the company to grow by 1200 per cent.
Panel of experts
The final session of the day was a high-
level panel moderated by Print21 editor Wayne Robinson, with Paul Haggett from Opal, Joe Foster from Close the Loop Group, which includes O F Packaging and
O F Flexo, Paul Sanelli from technology developer EFI, and Zaidee Jackson from Ball & Doggett, all considering the challenges and opportunities from their perspectives of people and companies in the vanguard of digitally printed packaging.
The evolution and education of digital packaging print technology, print on demand,
sustainability, the unboxing experience and packvertising were among the topics discussed.
The session kicked off with Paul Haggett, who heads up sales and design operations for Opal Specialty Packaging in Victoria, saying that it was important to educate and guide brand managers to be able to interrogate and understand which of the print channels a brand best fits with, and what can be offered.
Joe Foster, CEO of Close the Loop Group, said, “I'm very happy to see how Australian businesses have embraced digital flexible packaging, and that everyone from small brands to large brands can see the real benefits of the technology.”
Paul Sanelli from EFI acknowledged
that although Australia is a small market compared to others on the world stage, EFI is planning to bring a range of five products in the packaging range to the country next year. “The whole idea is to have the right entry points and the right products to fit opportunities,” he said.
Zaidee Jackson, sustainability manager at Ball & Doggett, said, “Everyone's talking about the turn towards sustainability, and it’s great to have the conversation, but more important to act on it and make sure you're ready to invest in it.”
Surge has started
The event then moved into a networking time over drinks, which lingered late
into the day, as delegates discussed the presentations and what are clearly multiple emerging opportunities.
Hughson closed Amplify & Engage, and thanked the sponsors Currie Group, HP, Ball & Doggett, EFI, and Jet Technologies. She said the day showed that the surge into digitally printed packaging had already started, that it was clearly a land of opportunity – as it could provide tangible benefits to brand owners of all sizes, from the biggest to the smallest – and that the power of collaboration was evidently a key to success. 21
• Digitally printed packaging gave Mingle control
• It took the look from farmers market to supermarket shelf-ready
• Luminar and Mingle created a real partnership for real benefits
• Do your research before investing and use data for evidence-based decisions
• Consider the workflow as much or more than the kit itself
• Have a culture that motivates your team to engage with customers
• Back yourself
 20   Print21 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022

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